OMCT, FOC Call for a Nation-Wide Census of War Victims
On the occasion of the international day in support of victims of torture, the World Organization against Torture (OMCT) and Forum of Conscience (FOC) called upon the government to follow the recommendation of the Bintumani Stakeholders consultations of 2006, which calls for a nation wide census of war victims.
A joint statement by the two organizations, dated June 26, revealed that it was recommended that the government undertake a study of countries with experience in victims reparation to identify and adopt the best practice.
The government was also requested to put in place mechanisms for fundraising on a sustainable basis.
OMCT and FOC observed that out of eight recommendations made a year ago, only two have been addressed by the government. These include clarifications on the roles and mandate of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) and the cabinet sub-committee on implementing the reparations programme. A NaCSA-chaired task force has also been created. The organizations called on local groups to advocate the government in order to prevent revenge and recurrence of the trauma caused by the war and to provide victims with welfare facilities to restore their dignity in accordance with Human rights standards. Sierra Leone: OMCT, FOC Call for a Nation-Wide Census of War Victims (Page 1 of 1)