
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Election Prayer for Sierra Leone

1. For good weather.

2.That the military and police will be impartial in there dealings

with the electoral process.

3.That people will not allow themselves to be influenced against

there will.

4. That the holy spirit will rule and direct the hearts of voters as

to the right choice.

5. That the elections will be held in a free, fair and credible


6. Against any subversive attempt to create chaos in the country.

7. Against rigging and tamporing with election materials.

8. That the elections will be a friendly contest. And not one of

enemity to the extent of inflaming the country.

9. That the petition rules courts and the electoral offences court

will give fair and just judgements.

10. That the holy spirit will hover around the nation and release

 peace and a free and fair election.

11. That the man after God's own heart will emerge as president.

12. For the transformation of Sierra Leonne