
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

FAILING TO PLAN, IS PLANNING TO FAIL While as a student at Fourah Bay College, one advice my lecturer, Mr. Leslie Shyllon usually gave us was 'failing to plan is planning to fail.' I have lived with that advice and learnt that it is nothing but the fact. If you don't plan, you have no business succeeding. Be it in your office, school or what have you. The looming water disaster in Freetown has been quite topical for the past week or two. Scenes of people totting pails of water around the city are commonplace and typical of any village setting. It reminds me of my village, Kangama Ngorama in Kono district where women and children have to fetch water from a nearby stream because pipe-borne water is a luxury. Yes! That is what Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone is gradually turning into. (read more)