
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

As Election Campaign Approaches, UN Official Urges Democratic Conduct

On the eve of the start of election campaigning in Sierra Leone, a senior United Nations official in the country today urged democratic conduct by the parties.

"A peaceful campaign is crucial for credible elections," said the Executive Representative of the Secretary-General, Victor Angelo, encouraging all candidates to abide by the Political Parties Code of Conduct.

He said the UN trusts that they "will keep the national interest above everything else and exhibit during the campaigning period the democratic maturity that they have shown during the nomination phase, as well as during the previous stages of the electoral process."

Mr. Angelo also urged reporters and producers to fully adhere to the Media Code of Conduct.

Sierra Leonean voters will go to the polls on 11 August for nationwide elections.

allAfrica.com: Sierra Leone: As Election Campaign Approaches, UN Official Urges Democratic Conduct (Page 1 of 1)