
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Blair-Brown handover

The handover of power from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown today is a carefully choreographed process which should culminate in the new Prime Minister entering Number 10 shortly after 2.30pm.

The formal events begin shortly before midday when Tony Blair leaves Downing Street for the Commons for his last-ever session of Prime Minister's Questions.

He will then return to Number 10 to say farewell to Downing Street staff before he and his wife, Cherie, travel to Buckingham Palace at roughly 1.15pm for his formal resignation as Prime Minister.

The audience is expected to last up to 30 minutes.

Between 1.30pm and 2pm, the Chancellor is expected to get the summons to go to the Palace to be invited to become Prime Minister.

Mr Brown and his wife Sarah will then travel to Buckingham Palace.

At around 2.30pm, Mr Brown will return to Number 10 as Prime Minister, to speak by telephone with foreign leaders and begin work on his reshuffle.

Names of the key players in the new Brown Cabinet could emerge but are more likely to come on Thursday.  

Timeline: The Blair-Brown handover | Uk News | News | Telegraph